Thai food like one kind of Thai culture, is the product of various influences. Starting with Sukhothai and early Ayutthaya was simple as mainly fresh or died fish mixed with rice and vegetables, a few spices, a salty sauce made of fish (fish souce) or shrimp. Contacting with foreign cultures as China India or Europe, it made the development of cooking Thai food.
Today it covers a wide range of dishes many of them regional specialties. Those of northeast are generally regarded as the spiciest. In the south seafood is plenty and Muslim food appears on the menu.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Fish Stomach Soup


  • 100 gms Fish Stomach or Fried Pork Rind 'Snacks'
  • 500 ml Chicken Stock50 gms Chicken Breast
  • 50 gms Crab meat
  • 50 gms Cooked Bamboo (e.g. Canned)
  • 6 Hard Boiled Quail Eggs
  • 2 Shitake Mushrooms
  • 1 Tablespoon Maggi Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Dark Soy Sauce
  • 1 Tablespoon Oyster Sauce
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 2 Tablespoons Corn Flour
  • 20 gms Chopped Coriander Leaves


1. Clean the fish stomachs very very well and soak in water for 30 minutes. You may need to soak and rinse the fish stomachs two or three times.

2. Boil the fish stomach for 5-10 minutes and clean again in cold water.

3. Soak the shitake mushrooms for 10 minutes and chop them into bite sized pieces.

4. Boil the chicken stock, add the shitake mushrooms, and the chicken breast.

5. When the chicken breast is cooked, remove it from the boiling stock and shred it into smaller pieces and set aside.

6. Continue to cook the chicken stock with the mushrooms until the mushrooms are so soft, they nearly break up in the stock.

7. Add the crab, bamboo, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, Maggi sauce, and sugar.

8. Dissolve corn flour into 4 tablespoons of water and add to the soup, cook for 1 minutes to thicken it.

9. Serve the soup in a bowl with the shredded chicken meat and the boiled quail eggs added, and some chopped coriander to garnish.

Serve With

The following condiments are typically served for the guest to choose from:

Flaked Chilli



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